Caution: Spoilers Below!

Contains information about functionality of custom ZagKnight mods, as well as which audio and sprites have been swapped. Section headers indicate the room where swapped images can be found; expand the section for details.

Custom Mods

Custom Mod - BeegWeavers by Korz

Allows you to resize your Bouldies (weavers) to make them boulder-sized. Access the size slider in the Pause menu. 

Custom Mod - ZagKnightPrecepts by Exempt-Medic

The base ZagKnight skin swaps the precepts of Zote for the Narrator death descriptions in Hades. ZagKnightPrecepts creates a more realistic precepts experience by killing you after each conversation with Zote in Dirtmouth.

Audio & Music


Bouldy (weavers) audio replaced with gravel/rock sounds.

Megchild (Grimmchild) audio replaced with Meg sounds.


Knight's death sound replaced with the Hades death sound.


Title screen music has been replaced with Hades title screen music.

City of Tears theme has been replaced with Meadows of Tears by Lake. Meadow of Tears is a rearrangement of Good Riddance (by Darren Korb, vocals by Ashley Barrett) in the style of the City of Tears theme (by Christopher Larkin). The Marissa singing loop has been replaced by a Good Riddance vocal loop, sung by BirdiestBlue.


Deepnest_32 (Nosk)

Nosk replaced with version with ZagKnight.

Deepnest_45_v02 (Weaver's Den)

Hornet Seal of Binding swapped to reference Melinoe from Hades 2 (yes, there will eventually be a Melinoe skin for Silksong, should both of these games eventually release).

Deepnest_East_16 (right of Oro)

Training dummy swapped to reference Skelly.

RestingGrounds_08 (Spirit's Glade)

Ghosts swapped for shades from the House of Hades. Includes text swaps.


Objects in Bretta's room swapped for objects from Hades, including Aprohdite poster, Batty, Shady, Mort, and Cerebus sticker. Note: Rando users will not see all swaps.


Victory pins for trial boards swapped for Hades sigil.


Background items swapped to reference House Contractor.

Room_nailmaster (Mato)

Background items swapped, including Hydra skull, Chaos shield, Hera bow, and Guan Yu spear.

Room_nailmaster_02 (Sheo)

Background items swapped, including harp, Achilles spear, Arthur sword. Painting items swapped to reference Achilles (Myrmidon bracer).

Room_nailmaster_03 (Oro)

Background items swapped, including laurel decorations similar to House of Hades and Intricate Contraption house contractor upgrade.


Background items swapped to reference Patroclus, including broken spearpoint and Kiss of Styx.

Room_shop (Sly)

Background items swapped, including Eris rail, nectar, and cthonic key.


Marissa swapped for Eurydice. Background items swapped, including acorns, pomegranate crates, and cooking pots.


Marissa portrait swapped for Eurydice. Background items swapped, including acorns and cooking pots.

Ruins_House_01 (East City guarded grub)

Portrait swapped for Chaos.

Town (Dirtmouth)

Precepts of Zote swapped for Narrator death descriptions.

City of Tears (multiple rooms)

Portraits in Ruins2_03 and Ruins2_03b swapped for Hades, Persephone, Nyx, Hypnos, and Thanatos portraits.

Wallpaper in various City rooms swapped from Hallownest Seal to Hades sigil and laurels.

Opening Sequence

Elegy for Hallownest text swapped for new save file Narrator dialogue.

Gathering Swarm (Global)

Swapped to be red, orange, and yellow.

Geo Rocks (Global)

Geo rock swapped to have obols embedded in the rock. 420 geo rock swapped for the Charon sack.

Hornet (Global)

All Hornet sprites have dress recolored to orange as reference to Melinoe from Hades 2 (yes, there will eventually be a Melinoe skin for Silksong, should both of these games eventually release).

Prompt Marker (Global)

New region prompt marker has Hallownest seal swapped for Hades sigil and laurels.

Radiance (Global)

Final Radiance cutscene swapped Knight for Zagreus.