Download ZagKnight files by mod
Use the Scarab Mod Installer to install Custom Knight and CustomKnightPlus. Download the linked file. Extract and insert the top-level ZagKnight folder into the Mods/Custom Knight/Skins directory in your game files. These files include different sprites for when Zagreus is facing left and right. CustomKnightPlus must be installed in order for asymmetry to function (but files should still all be saved in your Custom Knight Skin directory). For users with only Custom Knight and without CustomKnightPlus, please use the Custom Knight only files.
Use the Scarab Mod Installer to install Transcendence. Download the linked file. Extract and merge its contents with the Mods/Transcendence folder in your game files. These files will overwrite the original .png files within the Transcendence folder. Credit to Pimpas for the original Transcendence mod and to Tsira for the original Transcendence charm art.Â
Use the Scarab Mod Installer to install CustomAudio. Download the linked file. Extract and insert its contents into the Mods/CustomAudio/ReplaceAudio folder in your game files. The ReplaceAudio folder is created after running the game once with CustomAudio installed. Please only use CustomAudio for ZagKnight if you are also using CustomBGM for ZagKnight. For more information on what audio is replaced, see the ZagKnight Spoilers page.
Use the Scarab Mod Installer to install CustomBGM. Download the linked file. Extract and insert its contents into the Mods/CustomBGM/CustomBGM folder in your game files (to be clear, the top-level mod folder and the second-level folder that contains the replaced music are both titled "CustomBGM"). This folder is created after running the game once with CustomBGM installed. Please only use CustomBGM for ZagKnight if you are also using CustomAudio for ZagKnight. For more information on what audio is replaced, see the ZagKnight Spoilers page.
Download the linked file. Extract and insert the top-level BeegWeavers folder into the Mods folder in your game files. Use the BeegWeavers slider within the Pause menu to adjust the size of your Weaver/Bouldy companions. Credit to Korz for creation of the BeegWeavers mod.
Download the linked file. Extract and insert the top-level ZagKnightPrecepts folder into the Mods folder in your game files. For more information on this mod, see the ZagKnight Spoilers page. Credit to Exempt-Medic for creation of the ZagKnightPrecepts mod.